Grocery retail could soon experience the biggest paradigm shift in checkout technology since the introduction of self-checkout. At the forefront of this emerging evolution in store checkout technology is retail automation leader, ECRS, who will introduce its RAPTOR TM automated scanning system at the upcoming National Retail Federation 2014 show in New York City. ECRS previewed the system in 2013 to much acclaim, and will follow up that success in 2014 with a production-ready powerhouse that boasts many patent-pending features and offers the world's fastest checkout experience.

RAPTOR utilizes 360-degree scanning and image recognition technology, combined with a newly-designed, streamlined cabinet, and advanced CATAPULT Transaction Server software working behind-the-scenes. This gives consumers a checkout transaction that is not only extremely fast, but also convenient. It is thoughtfully designed and well-executed technology that provides a pleasurable experience for consumers, without the frustrations often encountered with traditional point-of-sale and self-checkout.

Consumers will become immediately engaged with RAPTOR as they are met and guided through their purchase by a patent-pending consumer guidance display that is projected directly on the conveyor belt. This interactive and intuitive guidance system prompts the consumer when to begin a transaction and directs the consumer on the optimum frequency in which to place items on the belt. Items are then immediately moved through the 360-degree scanner, where fourteen cameras capture the item's image and/or barcode. Items that are not recognized, or that require attendee interaction, are automatically flagged as exceptions both on the cashier screen and through the voice control and command system, without interrupting the scanning process. The system has several patent-pending features that provide for automated exception management, which dramatically reduces the workload on the attendant by preemptively staging exception items in a way that reduces or eliminates the need to touch the attendant transaction screen.

All RAPTOR features are designed to work in concert, for the sole purpose of accelerating the transaction and allowing the attendant to focus on the customer, providing assistance and expert bagging of items. The streamlined flow allows for all items to be bagged before the customer is ready to pay for the purchase. Usability testing has shown RAPTOR to dramatically shorten the overall transaction time by setting a constant ring-rate, allowing the system to process two to three times more transactions than a typical checkout lane.

The RAPTOR cabinet layout is designed to be a drop-in replacement for traditional checkout lanes, allowing traditional grocers to maintain, or even reduce, their current POS footprint within the store.

With the RAPTOR delivery waitlist building, ECRS is set to begin early release and implementation in the first quarter of 2014. "We are very excited about this technology," said Pete Catoe, President of ECRS. "We foresee a steady industry adoption of this revolutionary accelerated-checkout model in the coming year, and a major transformation over the next few years. Simply put, RAPTOR is not point-of-sale and it is not self-checkout; it is an entirely new way for retailers to drive exponential productivity gains while also driving higher levels of customer-centric service, a true win-win."

ECRS will demonstrate RAPTOR at upcoming shows, including: National Retail Federation (NRF) Retail's Big Show - January 13-14; National Grocery Association (NGA) - February 9-12; and Natural Products Expo West - March 7-9.

For more information, or to schedule a RAPTOR preview appointment, please email

About ECRS

The introduction of RAPTOR further substantiates ECRS' recent recognition by the RIS News Software LeaderBoard, the annual "Oscars of retail technology," as the number one overall retail software provider. ECRS also placed in the top 10 of 30 individual breakout charts published in the survey. In business since 1989, ECRS has amassed thousands of successful retail clients in all 50 states of the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. ECRS provides a comprehensive solution ecosystem including: point-of-sale, self-service, mobile point of sale, back office, analytics, inventory and replenishment, supply chain automation, warehousing, general ledger, A/R, eCommerce, customer loyalty and marketing, membership management, fuel pump integration, and pharmacy system integration. ECRS is a privately held, USA-based company that provides software, hardware, service, and support.

ECR Software Corporation
Ashlee Weatherman, 828-265-2907