But it seems no one has told Bentley.

The luxury brand posted record sales for a second straight year on Thursday (January 6).

They rose almost a third to over 14,600 units.

That's a lot, when each one sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The global health crisis may actually have helped.

Luxury car sales have been growing fast as travel restrictions leave well-heeled consumers with more money to spend on goods instead.

Over the past year Bentley sales were up 39% in the Americas, and 40% in China.

High-end carmakers have also been better able to shrug off the shortage of computer chips.

With semiconductors in short supply, big automotive groups have prioritised their most lucrative products.

A unit of Volkswagen, Bentley has committed to going fully electric by 2030.

It says demand for new hybrid models was among the drivers behind the record results.