Wall St. Analyst (www.wallstanalyst.com) has announced its comprehensive market summary that analyzes the most relevant news, events, and economic releases. This edition of the newsletter provides an insight into how global technology companies are continuing their aggressive stance with regard to acquisitions that offer huge synergies to their business. The newsletter also throws the spotlight on how the recent earnings releases of major US companies offers solace to shareholders looking to invest in software and technology firms in 2014.

Technology firms eye strategic acquisitions as part of growth plans

Wall St. Analyst analyzes how leading global technology companies are increasingly focusing on acquisitions of niche companies as a means to gain the latest technology as well as high-quality resources. The market is witnessing a new phenomenon called "acqui-hire," which is seen to hugely benefit the tech majors during the takeover of smaller companies operating in niche domains. More details about this new mode of acquisitions and how it is changing the dynamics of the technology and software industries is available at


US Defense budget cuts spell gloom for aviation and manufacturing industries

The drastic reduction in the US Defense budget as well as the workforce reduction by major government bodies has had a negative impact on companies operating in the aviation and manufacturing industries, among others. The earnings results of major US companies shows that the coming quarters could indeed pose challenges in terms of achieving sales growth and expanding operations. Moreover, the growth prospects of US companies could face major headwinds in terms of stringent regulations combined with a cautious approach by consumers. More details about the earnings reports of US companies is available at


Focus Concepts, Sectors, and Companies
Little Eye Lab
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Fidelity Corp.
Lockheed Martin
Juniper Networks

For more information visit www.wallstanalyst.com.

Wall St. Analyst
Ms. Vani Rao
Chief Editor
+1 (347) 394 0245