Wall St. Analyst (www.wallstanalyst.com) has announced its comprehensive market newsletter which provides a detailed summary analyzing the most relevant news, events, and economic releases. This edition of the newsletter traces how the US stock market witnessed the best annual performance since 1997, showering investors with huge gains in 2013. The newsletter also analyzes how the green shoots of the US economy was fueled by the steady economic growth and the Fed stimulus, overcoming various headwinds that challenged its growth prospects. For 2014, this edition provides some insights on the expected market performance and trends to look forward to.

US Stock Market Defies Skeptics in 2013

Wall St. Analyst throws the spotlight on the US stocks that witnessed their best annual performance since 1997. Investors took away gains of around 30%, boosted by signs of accelerating economic growth and steady stimulus from the Federal Reserve. The record-breaking run may have finally convinced investors that stocks remain a viable investment alternative since the financial crisis in 2008. Will the growth run continue in 2014? What do the market valuations suggest for 2014? Will the market continue its impressive run without major hiccups? More details about the year that was and the reassuring growth being witnessed in the market is available at


Highlights for 2013: Hits and Misses

Wall St. Analyst provides the highlights of major happenings in 2013 and how these have buoyed investors' faith in the stock market. The US market is witnessing the green shoots of economic growth after years of uncertainties and fluctuating market conditions. The market geared into action after the Fed announced the trimming of its monthly asset purchases in January 2014, after strong retail sales, positive consumer sentiment, and robust employment data. While Chinese banks have applied the brakes on Bitcoin's Bull Run, venture capitalists are eyeing a slice of lucrative Bitcoin start-ups. After witnessing the biggest IPOs, 2013 was partial to social media stocks and M&As among tech and pharma firms. More highlights are available at


Focus Concepts, Sectors, and Companies

Time Warner Cable

For more information visit www.wallstanalyst.com

Wall Street Analyst
Rajiv Singh, MBA, FRM
MD, Head of Research
+1 (347) 694 0245