Victims and families of those who died in the 1983 Beirut Bombing, which killed 241 U.S. Marines, sailors, and soldiers today joined White House and other American officials in denouncing Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's laying a wreath on the grave of Imad Mughniyeh, the Hezbollah terrorist who masterminded the bombing.

"The fact that the Government of Iran is honoring a murderer, who killed not only our loved ones but hundreds of other Americans, is repugnant, and reveals Iran's true colors. This act of despicable spite should be condemned by every country, every religion, and every individual in the world. Paying homage to a known terrorist undercuts the very essence of civilization and besmirches the human dignity of this man's victims," said Lynn Smith Derbyshire, national spokesperson for the victims and families.

"The Obama Administration denounced Iran's callous decision to lay a wreath at the grave of this vile human being, and we thank them for that. Such malevolence by the Iranian government is hideous and revolting," Ms. Derbyshire continued.

The Obama White House issued a statement, which read, "The United States condemns the decision taken by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif Khonsari to place a wreath at the grave of Imad Mughniyeh, a former leader of Lebanese Hezbollah responsible for heinous acts of terrorism that killed hundreds of innocent people, including Americans."

"When the highest ranking official in foreign affairs of the Government of Iran glorifies the terrorist acts committed by Mughniyeh, we can only conclude that Iran will continue to support and encourage terrorism. This is a slap in the face to all Americans," Ms. Derbyshire concluded.

Ms. Derbyshire's group of 1300 families was awarded a $2.7 billion judgment by U.S. courts against Iran for its role in the 1983 Bombing. Her brother, U.S. Marine Captain Vincent Smith, was among those killed in the blast.

This release was authorized by Fay Perles Law Firm.

For Fay Perles Law Firm
Steven Ellis
Mobile: 301-928-8157