The figures from the Recruitment & Employment Confederation, a trade body, add to signs that business confidence nudged up at the tail end of 2019, after being depressed by uncertainty over Brexit and the unclear political outlook.

"With a new government in place and the path ahead looking more predictable, some businesses have decided that they have waited long enough," REC chief executive Neil Carberry said.

REC's permanent staff placement index rose to 51.9 in December from 48.8 in November, its highest since December 2018 and above the 50-mark that divides growth from contraction for the first time since February.

A broader index of demand for staff rose to a three-month high, as demand for temporary staff accelerated by less.

Official data, which tends to lag behind trends in the REC data, showed renewed hiring in the three months to November after the biggest loss of jobs in four years during the three months to October. Unemployment is its lowest since 1975.

The REC survey took place between Dec. 5 and Dec. 17, so included responses after Prime Minister Boris Johnson won a large majority, removing doubts over whether Britain would see a big shift in political direction under Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn or delay its Jan. 31 European Union departure.

A separate survey of purchasing managers by financial data company IHS Markit, published on Monday, showed increased optimism from firms polled after the election compared with those who replied just before.

However, the REC said some of the pick-up in demand for permanent staff could reflect tax changes that make it harder for employers to avoid social security payments by classifying workers as self-employed contractors.

Johnson has also said he will not seek any extension to a tariff-free post-Brexit transition period, raising the prospect of business disruption next year if long-term trade talks cannot be concluded swiftly.

"Lingering uncertainty around the Brexit deal to be secured will continue to weigh on employers' decision making around hiring and investment over the coming months, as well as job-seekers desires to seek new opportunities," said James Stewart, Vice Chair of accountants KPMG, who sponsor the survey.

(Reporting by David Milliken, editing by Andy Bruce)