17 January 2014

With plans all in place for the 2014 Agronomy and Business Management Conference for Arable Growers on Tuesday 21st January 2014,  growers still have the opportunity to register for the event on the day.  Just bring along your cheque of £20 and one of the team will be happy to sort out your registeration on the day. 

This all day conference jointly organised by CAFRE, the Ulster Arable Society and the UFU will provide arable growers with an update on current agronomy and business management issues that relate to upcoming CAP Reform.  4 Basis points and 3 Nroso points are available for attending this event.  The cost covers, tea/coffee on arrival and lunch.  


 9.30 Registration and Tea/Coffee 

10.00 Welcome / Introduction - Robert Moore (UAS Chair)

10.10 Opening Speech - Justin McCarthy (Editor, Irish Farmers Journal)

10.30 CAP reform, an arable perspective for Northern Ireland, Norman 

                  Fulton (Director of Policy and Economics Division DARD)

10.55 The impact of CAP on the economics of UK and European arable  

                  farming, David Swales (Head of research and industry AHDB)

11.20 Meeting the challenges of CAP reform, James Wray (NI Arable  


11.45          Discussion Session (Speaker Panel), facilitated by Robert Moore

12.15 UAS AGM (UAS Members only) NON UAS MEMBERS - LUNCH


1.45 Afternoon session introduction - Eric Long (CAFRE)

2.00 Integrating environmental responsibilities to a profitable farming  

                 system, Phil Jarvis (Head of farming, GWCT, Allerton Project)

2.30            Practical considerations for rotations, Dr Dermot Forristal        

                  (Teagasc, Oakpark, Carlow,)

3.00 Pesticide legislation and the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD), Robin Bolton (CAFRE)

3.25 Discussion and overall summary, Andy Doyle (Tillage Editor, Irish Farmers Journal)

4.30 Going for Growth update and close, Ian Marshall (UFU)

4.45           Afternoon Tea/Coffee

Event Presentations

Enclosed are black and white copies of all presentations. Colour versions are available on the Ulster Arable Society website; www.ulsterarablesociety.org

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