Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "U.S. Cut Stock And Resawing Lumber Market - Analysis And Forecast to 2020" report to their offering.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the U.S. Cut Stock And Resawing Lumber market. It presents the latest data of the market size and volume, domestic production, exports and imports, price dynamics and turnover in the industry. In addition, the report contains insightful information about the industry, including industry life cycle, business locations, productivity, employment and many other crucial aspects. The Company Profiles section contains relevant data on the major players in the industry.

Product coverage:

  • Hardwood lumber, made from purchased lumber
  • Softwood lumber, made from purchased lumber
  • Hardwood cut stock and dimension
  • Softwood cut stock and dimension
  • Sawn wood fence stock, wood lath, and contract resawing and planing
  • Cut stock, resawing lumber, and planing

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Executive Summary

3. Market Overview

4. Domestic Production

5. Imports

6. Exports

7. Competitive Landscape

8. Company Profiles

  • Universal Forest Products
  • Tin Inc.
  • Trex Co
  • Boise Cascade Company
  • Sun Mountain Lumber
  • Airborne Systems North America
  • Rex Lumber Company
  • Anderson Wood Products Company
  • Mary's River Lumber
  • Forest Products Distributors
  • Fulghum Fibres
  • Gutchess Lumber Co.
  • Battle Lumber Co.
  • Glen Oak Lumber & Milling
  • D. R. Johnson Lumber Co.,North American Forest Products Liquidation
  • Kitchens Brothers Manufacturing Company
  • Zickgraf Hardwood Flooring Company
  • Gilman Building Products
  • Fontana Wood Products
  • T & S Hardwoods
  • Crane Plastics Siding
  • Collins Pine Company
  • The Price Companies

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