Tamr, Inc., the leader in enterprise data unification, today announced that it has been selected to participate in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) New Tech Business Camp Tokyo (NTBCT) accelerator program. The goal of this program is to stimulate the city’s growth and international competitiveness by attracting foreign businesses possessing advanced technologies in “internet of things”, big data, and artificial intelligence. Tamr’s patented software fuses the power of machine learning with human knowledge to unify myriad data silos and power enterprise digital transformation initiatives.

A combined effort of government and private enterprise, the NTBCT, managed by Accenture in Japan, has sought to attract foreign companies with ground-breaking innovation to support Japan’s manufacturing industry. From September 22 to November 3, 2017 the NTBCT accepted applications and conducted extensive reviews of 49 companies from 15 countries for a final selection of 8 companies, including Tamr. The NTBCT is providing Tamr and other accepted applicants with mentoring, guidance, and introductions focused on collaboration with Japanese companies. Furthermore, TMG provides a range of services for establishing, conducting and maintaining business in Tokyo.

"We're honored to be chosen by the TMG to help Tokyo raise its global technology profile and become a driver of Japan’s economic growth," said Krista Glotzbach, Tamr’s APAC Leader. "We look forward to establishing a strong local presence and building long-lasting partnerships with Japanese companies and system integrators to advance Japanese international competitiveness in manufacturing."

Additional Resources:

● Learn more about Tamr: www.tamr.com

● Read Tamr’s blog: www.tamr.com/blog

● Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tamr_Inc

● Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tamr-inc-

● Learn more about the New Tech Business Camp Tokyo: http://www.seisakukikaku.metro.tokyo.jp/bdc_tokyo/english/bizcamptky/newtech/index.html

About Tamr, Inc.
Tamr is the enterprise-scale data unification company trusted by industry leaders like GE, Toyota, Thomson Reuters, and GSK. The company’s patented software platform uses machine learning supplemented by human expertise to unify and prepare data across myriad silos to deliver previously unavailable business-changing insights. With a co-founding team led by Andy Palmer (founding CEO of Vertica) and Mike Stonebraker (Turing Award winner) and backed by investors including NEA, Google Ventures, and GE Ventures, Tamr is transforming how companies get value from their data.