Having survived last year's political and economic uncertainty, many organizations are now challenged with charting a course to growth in 2014. However, as a recent Washington Post canvass of local economists and business analysts found, there is consensus that while our region will see some improvement over last year, gains will be modest in most sectors. As Jim Dinegar, CEO of the Greater Washington Board of Trade, put it, 2014 "won't be good, but it will be better."

Join market research firm ORI, which conducted the 2013 Shutdown Survey, and a distinguished panel of experts as we engage in a practical discussion of what business leaders can do to lay the foundation for growth; build engaged, high performance teams; and get heard above the noise in Congress in 2014.
The session will focus on three themes:
-- Accessing business capital and maximizing strategic investments;
-- Mobilizing your human capital resources to build focused teams that are more resilient to external uncertainty; and
-- Advocating for your business in a still-uncertain governing climate.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


The AILA Conference Center
1331 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005


ORI President Kathleen Benson and the Shutdown Survey research team. Guest speakers include:
-- Mike Clarke, CEO, Access National Bank
-- Kathy Albarado, President, Helios HR
-- Dr. David Rehr, Professor, The George Washington Graduate School of Political Management


ORI's survey of business leaders during the Federal shutdown found that the government's partial closure created significant concern about U.S. economic growth in year ahead:
-- Only one-fifth of organizations expect their revenue to grow in the next year, highlighting the challenge of charting effective growth and investment strategies in this economic and political environment.
-- Morale and job satisfaction, especially within the federal sector, have fallen to new lows, creating challenges for retention and opportunities for those seeking qualified staff in a competitive marketplace.
-- Frustration with the gridlock in Washington has reached new heights as business leaders now view the political climate as a drag on the economy. Troublingly, three-quarters express pessimism that Washington will address their most important priorities this year.


8:00 - 8:30: Registration and networking
8:30 - 10:00: Survey results presentation & discussion with panelists
10:00 - 10:30: Close and post-event networking
A light breakfast will be served.

NOTE TO EDITORS AND NEWS DIRECTORS: Registration fee of $40 waived for members of media organizations, upon presentation of credentials when registering on-site at the event. Advance online registration is not necessary for media members. ORI CEO, survey team members and panelists will be available for interviews.

Bill Holleran Communications
Bill Holleran, 301-996-9495