The Small Exchange, a newly formed company backed by award-winning industry innovators and powered by a proprietary matching engine, recently filed to become a registered Designated Contract Market (DCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The Small Exchange’s mission is to become the world’s largest customer-centric futures exchange, bridging the futures product gap for investors of all sizes.

The Small Exchange created an introductory offer which entitles individual holders to a lifetime subscription to the Exchange with no renewal or annual fees, 50% discounted Exchange fees and reduced market data fees. Both introducing brokers and futures commission merchants (FCM) may participate in the introductory offer for their customers as well. This introductory offer is good from January 2, 2019 until the earlier of 15 days after the approval of The Small Exchange’s DCM application by the CFTC or the subscriptions are sold out. There will be a limited number of 25,000 subscriptions offered for $100 each.

Donnie Roberts is the CEO of The Small Exchange. He was a founding employee and principal of thinkorswim and former President and Chief Operating Officer of TD Ameritrade’s Futures and Forex division.

“We believe everything we do should benefit the end user. We are redefining the relationship an exchange has with the retail investor by creating products that are built with them in mind, appropriately sized, and a subscription that is focused on making futures an attainable product for the average investor,” said Mr. Roberts. “The team has deep industry know-how and has consistently reshaped the investing space with new ideas and an industry-changing approach to the futures markets focused on the retail investor.”

For a chance to take advantage of the offer’s benefits, an individual’s introducing broker or FCM must have a relationship with The Small Exchange or the individual self-directed investor may open an account with one that does have that relationship already. To learn more about the new Exchange, its offer and to receive updates on the CFTC approval status, go to or

About The Small Exchange, Inc.

The Small Exchange’s mission is to empower individual investors by providing appropriately sized futures products that are capital efficient, simple to use, and easy to understand for all participants. Based in Chicago, The Small Exchange aims to improve the relationship exchanges have with the individual investor, improving their customer experience every step of the way.