01/24/2014 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The joint stock company "Temirbank" (hereinafter, Bank) (location of the Bank Management Board is 68/74, Abay av., 050008, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, notifies its shareholders of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (hereinafter, meeting), initiated by the Bank Board of Directors.

Meeting will be held on February 24, 2014 from 16.00 Almaty time at 68/74, Abay av., 2nd floor, conference hall of the Bank.
The registration of meeting participants will start on February 24, 2014 at 15.00 Almaty time at the location of meeting.

Lacking a quorum the "first" adjournment of the extraordinary general meeting of Bank shareholders will take place on February 25, 2014 from 16.00 Almaty time at  68/74, Abay av., 2nd floor, conference hall of the Bank; the registration of meeting participants will start at 15.00 Almaty time on February 25, 2014.

In case of lack of quorum for the" first" adjournment of the extraordinary general meeting of Bank shareholders, the next adjournment of the extraordinary general meeting of Bank shareholders will be held on February 26, 2014 from 16.00 Almaty time at the address:  68/74, Abay av., 2nd floor, conference hall of the Bank; the registration of the meeting participants will start from 15.00 Almaty time on February 26, 2014.

The list of shareholders having right to participate in the meeting shall be prepared as on February 01, 2014, 00.00 Almaty time.

Agenda of meeting

  1. Approval of amendments and additions No1 to the Charter of the Joint Stock Company "Temirbbank".
  2. Approval of amendments No1 to the Corporate Governance Code of the Joint Stock Company "Temirbank".
  3. Approval of amendments No1 to the Board of Directors Regulations.
  4. Early termination of office of the Bank's Counting Commission, determination of composition, competence and election of members of Counting Commission of the Bank.

Pursuant to clause 5 article 17 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bans and Banking Activity" "legal entities incorporated in the offshore zones, the list of which is determined by the authorized agency (see a letter of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Institutions dated April 29, 2009; No04-01-14/1615) will not directly or indirectly possess and (or) make use of and (or) control voting shares of bank-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Pursuant to clause 5-1 of the named article "a shareholder participating in the general meeting of shareholders shall submit the declaration providing information on compliance of shareholders (participants)  with the requirements of clause 5 of the article if the information on the country of incorporation of such participants is not available in the bank".  The second paragraph of the clause provides that "a shareholder that has not submitted the declaration shall not be allowed to participate in the genera meeting of shareholders".

In this respect at the registration the meeting participants shall submit the documents authorizing their participation in the meeting and voting on the issues under consideration.

The Bank shareholders can look through the materials of the meeting within the time limits and according to the procedure proscribed by the law of the Rpublic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies" at 68/74 Abay av., office 411, Almaty.
Enquiries: +7 727 259 65 12.

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