Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Taiwanese Tablet Industry, 4Q 2015" report to their offering.

This research report presents shipment volume and value forecast and recent quarter review of the Taiwanese tablet industry. The report includes shipment volume and value, ASP, and product mix analysis. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with tablet brands and makers.

The report finds that the Taiwanese tablet industry's shipment volume inched up 1.3% sequentially but fell 16.3% year on year in the third quarter of 2015, reaching around 18.1 million units. The industry's shipments are projected to surge to around 28.2 million units in the fourth quarter, seeing a 56% sequential growth.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Volume, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2016
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Value and ASP, 3Q 2013 - 2Q 2016
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Volume by Screen Size, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2015
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Volume Share by Screen Size, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2015
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Volume by Operating System, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2015
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Share by Operating System, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2015
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Volume by Wireless Technology, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2015
  • Taiwanese Tablet Shipment Share by Wireless Technology, 3Q 2013 - 3Q 2015

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