(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

(Stock code : 89) List of Directors and their Role and Function

The members of the Board of Directors ("Board") of Tai Sang Land Development
Limited currently comprises 9 Directors.

Executive Directors

Mr. Ma Ching Wai, William (Chairman)
Mr. Ma Ching Hang, Patrick, BBS, JP (Deputy Chairman)
Mr. Ma Ching Kuen, Alfred (Managing Director)
Ms. Ma Ching Sau, Amy (Managing Director)
Mr. Ma Ching Yeung, Philip

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Cheung Wing Yui, Edward

Independent Non-executive Director

Mr. Chau Kwok Fun, Kevin
Mr. Tan Soo Kiu
Mr. Wong Hing Kwok, William
There are 3 Board Committees. The membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves are set out below:

Audit Committee

Mr. Tan Soo Kiu (Committee Chairman) Mr. Cheung Wing Yui, Edward
Mr. Chau Kwok Fun, Kevin
Mr. Wong Hing Kwok, William

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Wong Hing Kwok, William (Committee Chairman) Mr. Tan Soo Kiu
Ms. Ma Ching Sau, Amy

Nomination Committee

Mr. Ma Ching Wai, William (Committee Chairman) Mr. Chau Kwok Fun, Kevin
Mr. Wong Hing Kwok, William
Hong Kong, 18 January 2013

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