The Young Academy of Sweden has initiated an open letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. The letter criticizes the decision to abolish the position of Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA). The young academies of Europe, Poland and Scotland support the initiative and have signed the letter.

Read the full letter at:

The Young Academy of Sweden stresses that the establishment of the post of CSA by President Barroso in 2012 was an important step forward to augment the quality of the European Commission’s decision-making process. Consideration of scientific results and thinking plays a pivotal role in identifying threats and creating policies that improve people’s lives. The Academy also expresses concern that disbanding the office of the CSA followed an intense campaign from interest groups whose opinions were disfavoured by scientific assessments made by the CSA.

Finally the Academy emphasizes the importance of EU policy being informed by independent scientific advice, and asks President Juncker to reinstall the CSA or a corresponding function as soon as possible. The Young Academies of Europe, Poland and Scotland support Young Academy of Sweden’s initiative.

Juncker’s new centre does not include a Chief Scientific Adviser

In November Juncker announced that a new centre – European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC) – would replace the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) where the CSA Anne Glover has been part. The new policy-oriented centre does not include a CSA; a fact the Academy considers a significant degradation.

Intense debate preceded the disbanding

The disbanding of the office of the CSA followed an intense campaign from interest groups. During a six month period several lobbying organizations with Greenpeace in the forefront have expressed critique in letters to Juncker about the concentration of power to only one person in the CSA function. Many, however, perceive the critique as a reaction to the fact that some of the writers opinions were disfavoured by scientific assessments made by the CSA. A large number of scientific organizations in turn responded to the criticism, arguing that the CSA is crucial for introducing current scientific understanding into the Commission’s decision-making.

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Young Academy of Sweden is an independent, interdisciplinary forum for a selection of the most talented young researchers in Sweden within all scientific fields. The Academy enables meetings across disciplinary boundaries, giving rise to unexpected initiatives. Young Academy of Sweden was formed 2011 at the initiative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and currently has 40 members.

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