Wednesday - 22 January 2014 No. 10/2014
Unemployment 4.4% in December

According to the Icelandic Labour Force Survey the number of persons in the labour force in December 2013 was 185,100. Of those in the labour force 176.900 persons where employed and 8,200 persons where unemployed. The activity rate was 80.9%, the employment rate was 77.3% and the unemployment rate was 4.4%. Comparison between December 2012 and 2013 shows that activity rate has increased by 0.8 percentage points and employment rate has increased by 1.6 points. At the same time the unemployment rate has decreased by 1.1 percentage point.

Figure 1. Labour force December 2013

Figures may not add up because of rounding.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment 4.6%
The seasonally adjusted data shows that in December 2013 the number of people in the labour force was 187,500 or 81.7% activity rate compared to 81% in November. The number of unemployed persons amounted to 8.600 and decreased by 400 from November to December. The unemployment rate was 4.6% in December compared to 4.8% in November. According to the seasonal adjustment the number of employed persons in December was 178,900 compared to 177,700 in November.

The seasonally adjusted trend data shows that for the first six months of the year 2013 unemployment increased by 3% or by 0.1 points but for the last six months it decreased by 5.4% or 0.3 points. From the beginning of the year 2013 to the end of it number of unemployed persons decreased by 3.6% and number of employed persons increased at the same time by 3.3% or 1.7 points.

December 2013 is divided in to four weeks, from the 2nd to 29th of December 2013. The total sample size was 1,201 persons, 16-74 years randomly chosen from the Population Register. When those who had passed away or those who were living abroad had been deducted from the sample the net sample was 1,188 persons. In total the number of usable answers was 957 which correspond to 80.6% response rate. All figures have been weighted by sex and age groups. The confidence limit of the results on activity rate is ±2.5 points, employment rate is ±2.6% and unemployment rate is ±1.5%. Figures may not add up because of rounding.

Table 1. Labour market in December - Original
2011 (±95%) 2012 (±95%) 2013 (±95%)
Total 16-74 years
Activity rate 79.4 2.2 80.1 2.5 80.9 2.5
Employment rate 74.8 2.4 75.7 2.7 77.3 2.6
Unemployment rate 5.9 1.4 5.5 1.6 4.4 1.5
Hours of work 37.1 1.1 37.3 1.3 37.3 1.4
Labour force 177,900 4,900 180,400 5,700 185,100 5,600
Employed 167,400 5,300 170,500 6,100 176,900 6,000
Unemployed 10,500 2,600 9,900 2,900 8,200 2,700
Inactive 46,000 4,900 44,900 5,700 43,800 5,600
Est. population 223,900 225,300 229,000
Table 2. Labour market last 6 months - Seasonal adjustment
Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13
Total 16-74 years
Activity rate 81.6 81.7 82.8 82.7 81.0 81.7
Employment rate 77.6 77.8 77.8 78.1 77.1 77.9
Unemployment rate 5.0 4.8 6.1 5.6 4.8 4.6
Hours of work 40.2 39.7 41.0 39.3 40.1 40.0
Labour force 183,800 185,400 189,400 188,400 186,600 187,500
Employed 174,600 176,400 177,900 177,900 177,700 178,900
Unemployed 9,100 8,900 11,500 10,600 9,000 8,600
Inactive 41,300 41,500 39,400 39,400 43,800 42,000
Est. population 225,100 226,900 228,800 227,900 230,400 229,600
Table 3. Labour market last 6 months - Seasonal adjustment trend
Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13
Total 16-74 years
Activity rate 81.8 81.9 82.0 81.9 81.7 81.5
Employment rate 77.3 77.5 77.6 77.5 77.4 77.3
Unemployment rate 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.2
Hours of work 39.8 39.8 39.8 39.8 39.8 39.8
Labour force 185,200 186,200 187,000 187,200 187,000 187,000
Employed 174,900 176,100 176,900 177,200 177,200 177,300
Unemployed 10,200 10,100 10,100 10,000 9,800 9,700
Inactive 41,300 41,100 41,000 41,400 42,000 42,400
Est. population 226,400 227,300 227,900 228,500 229,100 229,400


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