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Data from the 2012 Research and Development of Canadian Private Non-profit Organizations survey are now available.

Organizations in the private non-profit sector intend to perform $169 million of research and development (R&D) in 2014. These organizations conducted $151 million of R&Din 2012. They employed 1,386 full-time equivalent R&Dpersonnel in 2012, the latest year for which these data are available.

Note to readers

Private non-profit organizations do not generate income, profit or other financial gain. For purposes of measuring research and development (R&D) performance, private non-profit organizations include voluntary health organizations, private philanthropic foundations and private research institutes. Private non-profit organizations that are controlled and financed by government (at least 50%) or affiliated to higher education institutions are excluded from the survey population. R&Dexpenditures for these excluded private non-profit organizations are included in the R&Dexpenditures for the government and higher education sectors.

These data are not available for provinces or regions.

Available in CANSIM: tables CANSIM table358-0215 to 358-0218.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number survey number4204.

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Date modified:2014-01-22
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