Product main page The Monthly railway carloadings publication provides monthly statistics of rail car loadings in Canada. The publication offers a brief analysis along with a number of tables showing car loadings and tonnes carried by 64 commodity groupings.

These data are considered to be a good leading indicator of current business activity.

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Product: Monthly Railway Carloadings
Catalogue no.: 52-001-XWE
Frequency: Monthly
Status: Ongoing/Available
Latest issue: November 2013, vol. 90 no. 11 Free
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Release date: January 29, 2014
Subscription: one year (365 days) N/A
System requirements: Internet browser. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print files in PDF format.
Content note

This publication presents data on 64 commodities (new classification) on a current month and year-to-date basis. As well as totals for Canada, the data are subdivided by western and eastern divisions.

History note

Previous title: Railway carloadings (monthly). The print publication continues with the same title (first issued in 1924) commencing with vol. 76 no. 1.

Subjects Keywords

commodities, rail freight, rail transport, railway carloadings, shipments of goods.

Free access

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Bilingual products

Some bilingual products have changed to separate English and French products. In these cases, back issues are bilingual and the more recent issues are unilingual.

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