Turnover in November 2012 lower than in October 2012 and in November 2011
Turnover in November 2012 was more than 1% lower than in the previous month and almost 2% lower than in November 2011. In the first eleven months of 2012 turnover decreased by 0.5% over the same period of 2011.

Compared to the previous month, turnover in November 2012 lower in mining and quarrying, and in manufacturing
In comparison with the previous month, turnover in November 2012 decreased in mining and quarrying by 3.5% and in manufacturing by 1%. Compared to November 2011, turnover decreased in mining and quarrying by almost 20% and in manufacturing by 1.5%.

Compared to the same period of 2011, in the first eleven months of 2012 turnover decreased in mining and quarrying by 13.5% and in manufacturing by 0.3%.

In all industrial groupings turnover in November 2012 lower than in the previous month
Compared to the previous month, in November 2012 turnover decreased in all main industrial groupings: in intermediate goods industries by more than 1%, in consumer goods industries by 0.5% and in capital goods industries by 0.4%.

In comparison with November 2011, turnover decreased in almost all main industrial groupings.

Compared to the same period of 2011, between January and November 2012 turnover was lower in most main industrial groupings.

Compared to the previous month, in November 2012 turnover lower both in the domestic and in the non-domestic market
Compared to October 2012, in November 2012 industrial enterprises generated over 1% less turnover from the domestic market and 0.6% less turnover from the non-domestic market. Compared to November 2011, in November 2012 turnover from the domestic market was almost 10% lower, while turnover from the non-domestic market increased by more than 1%.

Compared to the same period of 2011, in the first eleven months of 2012 turnover decreased in the domestic market by more than 8% and increased in the non-domestic market by 2.5%.

In November 2012 the value of new orders lower than in the previous month The total value of new orders received in November 2012 was almost 3% lower than in the previous month and almost 3% lower than in November 2011. Between January and November 2012 the value of new orders was almost 1% lower than in the same period of 2011.

Compared to the previous month, the value of new orders in November 2012 decreased in most main industrial groupings. The value of new orders from the domestic market was lower by almost 8% and from the non-domestic market by almost 2%. Compared to November 2011, the value of new orders from the domestic market decreased by 14% and from the non-domestic market by 0.4%. Compared to the same period of 2011, in the first eleven months of 2012 the value of new orders decreased in the domestic market by 5% and increased in the non-domestic market by 0.2%.

Detailed data on indices of turnover and new orders in industry for November 2012 will be published on 23 January 2013 in the SI-STAT database on SURS's website.

Table 1: Turnover in industry (total index for domestic and non-domestic market) by activities according to SKD and Main industrial groupings - real indices, Slovenia, November 2012

XI 2012
X 2012 
XI 2012
XI 2011
I-XI 2012
I-XI 2011
Industry 98.9 98.2 99.5
Activities according to SKD
B Mining and quarrying 96.5 80.3 86.5
C Manufacturing 99.0 98.5 99.7
Main industrial groupings
A Intermediate goods industries 98.7 97.6 97.1
  AE Energy related industries z z z
  AI Intermediate goods industries (except energy) 98.8 97.8 97.2
B Capital goods industries 99.6 91.8 97.6
C Consumer goods industries 99.5 104.8 104.6
  CD Durable consumer goods industries 99.7 96.9 96.5
  CN Non-durable consumer goods industries 99.8 106.9 107.0

z confidential

Source: SURS

Table 2: Turnover in industry achieved on the market - real indices, Slovenia, November 2012

XI 2012
X 2012 
XI 2012
XI 2011
I-XI 2012
I-XI 2011
Total turnover 98.9 98.2 99.5
  Domestic turnover 98.9 90.1 91.8
  Non-domestic turnover 99.4 101.4 102.5

Source: SURS

Table 3: Turnover in industry achieved on the non-domestic market 1)2) - real indices, original data, Slovenia, November 2012

XI 2012
X 2012 
XI 2012
XI 2011
I-XI 2012
I-XI 2011
Non-domestic turnover 97.9 101.4 102.3
  Euro-zone turnover 99.8 99.5 99.3
  Non-Euro-zone turnover 95.3 104.3 107.1

1) Seasonal adjustment is not possible due to too short data series.

2) Working day adjustment is not possible due to too short data series.

Source: SURS

Table 4: New orders in industry - real indices, Slovenia, November 2012

XI 2012
X 2012 
XI 2012
XI 2011
I-XI 2012
I-XI 2011
Industry 97.1 97.3 99.3
Main industrial groupings
A Intermediate goods industries 98.5 99.4 99.9
B Capital goods industries 96.9 88.0 96.2
C Consumer goods industries 101.1 104.2 102.7
  CD Durable consumer goods industries 114.0 109.9 96.2
  CN Non-durable consumer goods industries 98.3 102.5 104.2

Source: SURS

Table 5: New orders received on the market - real indices, Slovenia, November 2012

XI 2012
X 2012 
XI 2012
XI 2011
I-XI 2012
I-XI 2011
Total new orders 97.1 97.3 99.3
  Domestic new orders 92.2 86.0 95.0
  Non-domestic new orders 98.4 99.6 100.2

Source: SURS

Chart 1: Turnover in industry1), real indices, Slovenia,
January 2005 - November 2012 (O 2005=100)

1) Data are seasonally adjusted.
Source: SURS

Chart 2: New orders in industry1), real indices, Slovenia,
January 2005 - November 2012 (O 2005=100)

1) Data are seasonally adjusted.
Source: SURS

Methodological note

Data which are compared to those of the previous month are seasonally adjusted.

Data which are compared to those of the same month or of the same period of the previous year are working day adjusted.

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