In comparison with October 2013, in November 2013 agricultural input prices decreased on average by 2.1%, while compared to November 2012 they were lower by 4.0%.

Agricultural input price indices
With the agricultural input price indices we observe the movement of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture (e.g. prices of seeds of crops, of fertilizers, of animal feedingstuffs, etc.) and of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment (e.g. prices of agricultural machinery and other equipment).

Prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture lower also in November 2013
The prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture decreased also in November 2013. In comparison with October 2013, in November 2013 these prices decreased on average by 2.8% and at annual level on average by 5.9%.

In November 2013 prices of animal feedingstuffs and of fertilizers lower by more than 5.0%
In a group goods and services currently consumed in agriculture in November 2013 animal feedingstuffs and fertilizers went down the most. In comparison with October 2013, in November 2013 the prices of animal feedingstuffs were lower on average by 6.5% and the prices of fertilizers on average by 5.5%.

In a group animal feedingstuffs, prices of straight feedingstuffs in November 2013 compared to the previous month decreased on average by 7.5%, while prices of compound feedingstuffs were lower on average by 6.4%. Among compound feedingstuffs, compound feedingstuffs for cattle, excluding calves went down the most (on average by 9.0%) and the least compound feedingstuffs for poultry (on average by 5.3%).

As regards fertilizers, in November 2013 compared to the previous month price decreases of nitrogenous fertilizers and of NPK fertilizers were recorded (first on average by 7.0% and the last on average by 4.7%).

Unchanged prices of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment also in November 2013
The prices of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment remained on average also in November 2013 unchanged. Compared to October 2013, in November 2013 solely prices of other buildings slightly (by 0.1%) decreased.

Table 1: Agricultural input price indices, Slovenia, November 2013

XI 2013
Ø 2010 
XI 2013
X 2013
XI 2013
XI 2012 
Goods and services currently consumed in agriculture (Input 1) 117.2 97.2 94.1
Seeds and planting stock 121.5 100.0 103.4
Energy; lubricants 120.1 99.1 95.2
Fertilizers and soil improvers 111.3 94.5 81.2
Plant protection products and pesticides 117.4 100.0 106.7
Veterinary expenses 105.7 100.0 101.8
Animal feedingstuffs 126.7 93.5 89.1
Maintenance of materials 109.7 99.8 103.9
Maintenance of buildings 102.4 98.8 95.3
Other goods and services 103.4 100.1 102.6
Goods and services contributing to agricultural investment (Input 2) 106.6 100.0 101.5
Materials 106.2 100.0 101.6
Buildings 107.5 99.9 101.0
Total (Input 1 + Input 2) 113.9 97.9 96.0

Source: SURS

Chart 1: Monthly growth rates of agricultural input prices, Slovenia

1) Input 1 (goods and services currently consumed in agriculture).

2) Input 2 (goods and services contributing to agricultural investment).

Source: SURS

Methodological note

Monthly data for the current year are provisional. With each First Release the data can be corrected and completed with new data. Monthly data get status of final data with the publication of annual data (for the year 2013 at the latest on 28

th February 2014).

Data access

More detailed data and time series are available at the SI-STAT data portal, which enables simple browsing and exporting of data into various formats. Registered users have the possibility to store tables for later browsing and to sign up to be informed when data are updated.


Helena Puc

Next release not later than:

Friday, February 14, 2014

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