If you have a Social Security number and any kind of online presence, you are at risk of identity theft. However, certain behaviors may increase your chances of becoming a victim. You can now assess your level of risk with State Auto's ID RiskCompass TM powered by IDentity Theft 911. The ID RiskCompass is a simple-to-use online tool that can help determine your risk for identity theft, and recommend what you can do to better safeguard your identity.

The ID RiskCompass consists of nine questions about various exposures, including the state in which you reside, whether you have antivirus software on your computer or laptop, password habits, and more. At the conclusion, you're given an overall score of your possible risk for identity theft, and what you can do to help avoid it.

State Auto partners with IDentity Theft 911 to provide an Identity Theft Protection Program for home, farm, condo, and renter customers at no additional charge. The program provides up to $15,000 of coverage to pay for expenses incurred as a result of identity theft; help with restoring one's identity after a breach has occurred; and education and prevention assistance. Our infographic shows the full spectrum of identity theft protection included in the coverage.

Find out your risk level with the ID RiskCompass, available at State Auto's identity theft resource site powered by IDentity Theft 911.

State Auto Insurance Companies
Kyle Anderson, AVP/Director of Corporate Communication, 614-917-5497
M 614-477-5301
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