StatDoctors™, a leading eHealth solution providing 24/7/365 access to affordable quality care, today announced the company grew its revenue by 246 percent and increased its consultation visits by more than 208 percent during 2014. StatDoctors has seen record year-over-year growth in revenue and consultations for the past two years, doubling its number of employees in this time period and enabling the company to more than double its covered lives, providing service to more than 1 million lives in 43 states nationwide.

As the only eHealth service with an exclusive network of board-certified emergency medicine physicians who specialize in telemedicine, StatDoctors has experienced fast-paced growth by meeting the increasing need for telehealth solutions with their innovative on-demand healthcare delivery model, yielding a 98 percent patient satisfaction rate. Predictions show the US telemedicine market will grow to $4.5 billion by 2018, up from $440.6 million in 2013, according to a recent study by business information provider IHS – making telehealth solutions a rising trend in the healthcare conversation.

In 2014, StatDoctors continued to meet this demand and improve care delivery by launching its HIPAA-secure patient and physician mobile apps. In turn, these tools positioned StatDoctors to remain at the forefront of eHealthcare and ultimately increased eVisits and client acquisition/retention rates, fueling company growth.

Contributing to StatDoctors’ growth are several new partner engagements, including:

  • WPS Health Insurance, a national government contractor and Wisconsin’s leading not-for-profit health insurer, selected StatDoctors among other telehealth providers for its established provider network, superior technology and agility to meet short- and long-term goals in the eHealth space.
  • Health Republic Insurance of New York, the nation’s largest not-for-profit health insurance CO-OP (Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan), partnered with StatDoctors to bring an innovative care delivery solution to its members.
  • New York Labor Health Care Alliance, a large purchasing cooperative of the Union benefit funds in New York whose purposes are to negotiate on behalf of its members with health care and related providers to establish economies and efficiencies in cost and delivery of health care services, selected StatDoctors as a distinguished leader in the eHealth space to provide telehealth services to its members.

In addition to adding to its existing client base, StatDoctors entered a strategic partnership with QuadMed, a nationally recognized provider of onsite, near site and shared site employer-sponsored health and wellness solutions. This collaboration enables StatDoctors to expand its vision for improving access to quality care in a convenient and cost-effective manner.

"We continue to experience strong growth with loyal clients and strategic partners," said Alan Roga, MD, FACEP, Founder and CEO of StatDoctors. "The combination of the right provider network, scalable technology and great execution with talented people has put us in the best possible place to continue to innovate, grow and provide excellent service in 2015 and beyond.”

As a result of its growth, StatDoctors is participating in a rebrand and website re-launch during the first quarter of 2015. These updates coincide with StatDoctors’ vision for the future and position the company for ongoing success in 2015.

About StatDoctors

Developed by Stat Health Services Inc., StatDoctors is an eHealth solution trusted by hospitals, employers and insurance carriers to effectively lower health plan costs and increase employee productivity. Employees and group members have access to a select group of board-certified physicians 24/7/365, via mobile devices, computer or phone, for treatment of minor illnesses and common medical conditions at a fraction of the cost of an emergency room or urgent care visit. To learn more, visit