AI and machine learning startup Spell, today unveiled a new, end-to-end deep learning and AI platform designed to empower teams and businesses across different sectors to build with AI. This development reflects Spell’s commitment to provide greater accessibility to the advanced AI tools currently developed by and used at only the largest tech companies.

Along with the reveal of new product offerings, Spell also announced $15 million in funding, led by Eclipse Ventures and Two Sigma Ventures. This investment will be used to incorporate more advancements and power even larger organizations, while continuing to bring AI and deep learning to more of the global workforce.

"Spell’s platform enables any enterprise to utilize cutting edge hardware and software tools to truly unlock the potential of AI to achieve their business goals,” said Justin Butler, Partner at Eclipse Ventures. “Inspired by the team at Spell as well as feedback from initial users, we are fully invested in Spell’s mission to expand access to deep learning and AI, removing the edge from big companies like Google and Facebook.”

The Spell infrastructure is flexible, working with any data storage system, language or framework. It allows instant experimentation on any hardware, in the public cloud or on-premise. The company is now operating across industries to power use cases as varied as medical diagnoses to custom semantic searches for financial reports. Spell’s customers can immediately grasp the productivity benefits of having infinite computing capacity at their fingertips.

“AI may seem so advanced, but behind the scenes, 90 percent of the work is often spent on the basic mechanics of getting data, software and computation in the right place," said Serkan Piantino, co-founder & CEO of Spell. "Rather than having to start from scratch to build dozens of machines or physically move data from place to place, teams and businesses can run real experiments from a laptop at a coffee shop. The level of access and collaboration offered by Spell invites both greater productivity and adoption, as far more people will be able to harness the power of machine learning. It’ll no longer be reserved for the biggest of companies."

As part of today’s unveiling, the business has rolled out features including:

  • New Design: Along with a redesigned website and console, Spell has now introduced a completely new experience on as well as a fully responsive site, allowing users to keep track of runs on a desktop, mobile and tablet.
  • Organizations: The launch of Organizations means that now everyone on a team can see each others’ experiments, results and comments in one convenient place.
  • Hyperparameter Search: With Spell’s Hyperparameter visualizer, customers can kick off a search with one command and visualize the performance of each experiment in real time.
  • Dedicated Clusters: Organizations can now deploy dedicated clusters, keeping all data, experimentation and model serving within a user’s own AWS or GCP infrastructure.

For more information on Spell’s newest product developments, please read the company’s blog post HERE.

About Spell

Founded in 2017 by Serkan Piantino and Trey Lawrence, Spell was born out of a desire to empower and transform the global workforce by making deep learning and AI accessible to everyone. The New York-based startup has built flexible, secure AI tools and a platform for organizations and developers alike, ultimately providing them with the opportunity to both harness the power of machine learning and understand the technology driving change around us.