Regulatory News:

SoLocal Group (Paris:LOCAL) brings the following precisions concerning the financial restructuring plan voted in the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 15 December 2016 and which now allows the implementation of the “Conquer 2018” plan:

  • The full year 2016 results of SoLocal Group will be published on Friday 3 February 2017 (before market opening);
  • The Company’s intent is that the subscription period for the Rights Issue of an amount of about €400 million planned with the financial restructuring plan be quickly launched after the publication of the full year 2016 results, so that the settlement of all various equity operations planned takes place before 15 March 2017.

This calendar is subject to changes, in particular in connection with the period for obtaining the visa of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on the prospectus related to the above mentioned Rights Issue.

The President of the Commercial Court of Nanterre, by an order issued on the date hereof, has dismissed Mr Benjamin Jayet of its application for interim measures to suspend the implementation of the resolutions number 1 to 7 submitted to the vote of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of SoLocal Group on 15 December 2016 (related to the financial restructuring). Moreover, Mr Jayet formed third party opposition against the judgment of the Commercial Court of Nanterre dated 22 December 2016, approving the change of the accelerated financial safeguard plan.

About SoLocal Group
SoLocal Group, European leader in local online communication, reveals local know-how, and boosts local revenues of businesses. The Internet activities of the Group are structured around two business lines: Local Search and Digital Marketing. With Local Search, the Group offers digital services and solutions to clients which enable them to enhance their visibility and develop their local contacts. Thanks to its expertise, SoLocal Group earned the trust of some 530,000 clients of those services and over 2.2 billions of visits via its 4 flagship brands (PagesJaunes, Mappy, Ooreka and A Vendre A Louer) but also through its partnerships. With Digital Marketing, SoLocal Group creates and provides Internet users with the best local and customised content about professionals. With over 4,400 employees, including a salesforce of 1,900 local communication advisors specialised in five verticals (Home, Services, Retail, Health & Public, BtoB) and Internationally (France, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom), the Group generated in 2015 revenues of 873 millions euros, of which 73% on Internet and ranks amongst the first European players in terms of Internet advertising revenues. SoLocal Group is listed on Euronext Paris (LOCAL). More information may be obtained at