Sherpa, a new membership club, is tapping into the needs and desires of today's 77.3 million baby boomers by offering personal concierge services, engaging experiences and more. Boasting a youthful mindset and seeking experiences more than physical things, the boomer generation is not moving into the "retirement phase" quietly like generations before. Sherpa is responding to their unique blend of interests. Based in the greater Los Angeles area, the Sherpa community is growing steadily. In early 2014 Sherpa will be expanding further into the LA Basin as well as the greater Washington, D.C. area, Philadelphia, and Cleveland.

"Today's boomer generation is on the move," said Mary McMullin, Executive Vice President of Sherpa. "Our research proves that this age group desires to be relevant, be part of communities and causes, and ultimately want support, ideas, tools, and motivation that connect them to their passions."

Born between 1946-1964, the youngest boomer turns 50 this year. Whether designated as leading edge (1946-1955) or trailing edge boomer, (1956-1964), this demographic values personal freedom, choice and individual self-expression. In all, boomers embrace values such as personal development, psychological growth, health and wellness and social responsibility, among others. "Retired" is a bit of a misnomer for this group, as many 65-plus people will still be employed due to choice, changes in the retirement age, and the changing economic landscape.


  • 44% of boomers plan to take classes or learn something new
  • 71% plan to work in retirement
  • 54% plan to volunteer
  • Boomers spend nearly $230 billion a year in consumer goods with $7 billion spent online
  • Approximately $8.4 trillion will be inherited by boomers from their grandparents, parents and others

Parent company Navigage established Sherpa in response to these changing goals and needs of today's adults. Sherpa provides members access to experiences and personalized services that enhance and simplify life. Navigage is a not-for-profit with over 80 years of experience supporting meaning and purpose.

"Sherpa is for those who are passionate, curious, adventurous, and in pursuit of what's next," said William Platt, Chief Executive Officer, Navigage. "Our organization believes in and promotes active and imaginative living - because, regardless of age, there are dreams to fulfill, new careers to start and interests to explore."

Members have access to Sherpa's three marquee services - the SherpaGuide, SherpaDiscover and SherpaTools:

  • SherpaGuide: A trusted advisor and lifestyle expert who members go to with requests, for inspiration or inquiries about what's trending. SherpaGuides act as a traditional concierge by helping coordinate, plan and do things to leverage connections and save time. They also get to know each member on a personal level and proactively reach out to members with meaningful and timely choices based on conversations and preferences. By understanding what's important to members, the SherpaGuide is able to share opportunities and create personalized experiences tailored to their interests and goals.
  • SherpaDiscover: Where members find a great mix of all kinds of happenings, events to attend and things to do. Sherpa has developed a calendar that's filled with something for everyone based on member feedback and what's trending. SherpaDiscover is a one-stop-shop for all things entertainment, education and empowerment including behind-the-scene events, fun social gatherings, small group workshops, and hands-on classes.
  • SherpaTools: The go-to place for information and tools that help make life more productive, manageable and enjoyable. SherpaTools offers access to key service providers who are the best in their field, from financial, legal, tech, wellness, mental health and more. The Sherpa "tool box" will continue to grow as travel services, volunteer opportunities, fitness, and work/life balance and more are added in the coming months.

Sherpa services are available by phone, online or in-person. For more information on Sherpa, visit or call 888-810-8820.

Sarah Gumina, 310-714-0350
Harry J. Parrish, 310-867-5929