It's hard to imagine a modern city with zero cars, zero streets, and zero carbon emissions.

But Saudi Arabia's crown prince has unveiled plans to make it a reality.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman:

''Today, as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of NEOM, I present to you 'The Line.'''

The ultra-futuristic and sustainable city is the first major construction project at NEOM - a 10,000 plus square mile high-tech development in northwestern Saudi Arabia - aimed at diversifying the economy of the world's largest oil exporter.

According to the announcement, the city will be over 105 miles long, able to house one million residents, and it will be powered by 100% clean energy.

The Line is expected to contribute $48 billion to the kingdom's gross domestic product and create 380,000 jobs.

''One will be able to run their daily errands in just a five minute walk and one will be able to travel from the farthest point to the other in 20 minutes, with a 30% reduction in infrastructure cost, a 30% increase in the quality of products offered and with 100% renewable energy. 'The Line' is a revolutionary project that puts the human first.''

The prince told reporters the city's infrastructure would cost $100 billion to $200 billion.

Construction is due to start in the first quarter of 2021.