

Labour market and earnings


lonnind, Earnings in manufacturing, business sector (for example metal-working industry, furniture industry, food industry), monthly salary, annual salary, full-time employee, part-time employee, occupational groups, overtime payments, bonus, irregular incrementsEarnings , Labour market and earnings


Full-time employees in manufacturing had average monthly earnings of NOK 41 400 as per 1 October 2013, excluding overtime pay. This is a year-on-year increase of NOK 1 600 or 4 per cent.
Full-time employees in manufacturing, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage changePublished 23 January 2014
Monthly earnings Basic monthly salary
2012 2013 2012 - 2013 2012 2013 2012 - 2013
Total 39 800 41 400 4.0 37 600 39 100 4.0
Senior officials and managers 64 500 66 900 3.7 60 900 63 100 3.6
Professionals 52 600 54 700 4.0 50 900 52 900 3.9
Technicians and associate professionals 46 600 48 000 3.0 44 500 46 100 3.6
Clerks 35 100 36 300 3.4 33 900 35 200 3.8
Service workers and shop and market sales workers 34 900 36 200 3.7 33 800 35 300 4.4
Craft and related trades workers 34 400 35 400 2.9 32 200 33 200 3.1
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 32 400 33 500 3.4 30 100 31 200 3.7
Elementary occupations 30 800 32 000 3.9 29 200 29 700 1.7

The average basic salary increased from NOK 37 600 as per 1 October 2012 to NOK 39 100 as per 1 October 2013. This also represents an increase of 4 per cent.

Operators, drivers and craft workers

Operators and drivers constitute a third of all full-time employees in manufacturing. Average monthly earnings for operators were NOK 33 500, which corresponds to a year-on-year increase of NOK 1 100 or 3.4 per cent. For craft workers, average earnings amounted to NOK 35 400, which is a year-on-year increase of NOK 1 000 or 2.9 per cent.

Associate professionals

Associate professionals had average monthly earnings of NOK 48 000, which corresponds to a year-on-year increase of NOK 1 400 or 3 per cent.

Average monthly earnings for managers and senior officials were NOK 66 900, which gives a year-on-year increase of NOK 2 400 or 3.7 per cent. Directors and chief executives had average monthly earnings of NOK 85 000.

The statistics are based on information from a sample of ICT enterprises covering a total of 48 409 full-time employees and 3 212 part-time employees. The total number of employees that forms the basis for weighting is 80 700 in ICT, according to the Norwegian Central Register of Enterprises and Establishments.

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