FAYETTEVILLE, Ark., Jan. 7, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- SOAPware, Inc. has engaged an ONC-ATCB Certified Organization, and has begun its 2014 Meaningful Use, Stage 2 Certification process. This process is an in-depth and comprehensive process involving product design work and development, as well as extensive support systems development. SOAPware expects to achieve our certification in early 2014.

Meaningful Use Joined With SOAPware's Triple Aim +1

As SOAPware began to peel back the layers of MU Stage 2, it quickly became apparent that there were two choices. One, our team could simply focus on meeting the requirements for MU2 by cobbling together a string of redesigned workflows that would add extra work every day for already-overloaded clinicians. While taking this route would have provided SOAPware with a convenient shortcut to achieving certification, the SOAPware team just wasn't willing to compromise on our pledge to bring the Triple Aim +1 to our users. Instead, we have chosen to take an entirely different approach aimed at making the lives of clinicians easier and less stressful as they incorporate MU2 into their daily patient visit activities. Many of the new functions for Stage 2, 2014 edition of MU have already been added to current releases of SOAPware, and the remainder will be gradually added via future updates applied via our cloud-based updating system. In addition to eliminating "meaningless use" and making MU2 compliance a less complicated and stressful process, SOAPware users will transition gradually to MU Stage 2 with less disruption. As our friends in the auto industry say, "It's a quieter, more comfortable ride;" a ride designed to deliver maximum efficiency with ease of use to the lives of our SOAPware clinicians.


    Q: When will SOAPware EHR be certified?

    A: We expect to achieve our MU 2014
     Edition certification in early 2014.

    Q: When will the certified version of
     SOAPware be released?

    A: While we are planning on adding
     additional usability enhancements to MU
     workflows during and immediately after
     the certification, we expect to be able
     to release the certified version of
     SOAPware shortly after certification is

    Q: Am I required to attest for Stage 2
     criteria in 2014?

    A: Only providers who have attested for
     at least two consecutive years of Stage
     1 criteria will be required to attest
     for Stage 2 criteria in 2014.

    Q: Are there changes to Stage 1 criteria
     in 2014?

    A: There are several changes to Stage 1
     measures in 2014 criteria. Please see
     this CMS document for specific changes.
     Note that all providers will be required
     to use the Alternate Measures listed on
     this document.

    Q: Will there be a Meaningful Use Roadmap
     for the 2014 Stage 1 and Stage 2

    A: Yes, there will be new roadmaps
     available just like our current 2011
     Stage 1 Roadmap that will provide users
     with comprehensive, step-by-step
     instructions to achieve Meaningful Use.

    Q: How will SOAPware achieve the Stage 2
     Patient Engagement criteria?

    A: The patient engagement criteria
     consists of enabling patients to view,
     download and transmit their health
     information as well as enabling patients
     to exchange secure messages with clinic
     staff. SOAPware will achieve this
     through the launch of a revolutionary
     new care collaboration platform called
     myHEALTHware. For more information on
     the features of myHEALTHware and how it
     will help you achieve Meaningful Use
     Stage 2, please click here.

    Q: Will the Clinical Quality Measures
     change in 2014 criteria?

    A: Yes, the reporting of clinical quality
     measures will change for all providers.
     For information on these changes, please
     see the CMS 2014 Clinical Quality
     Measures Tipsheet.

Media Contact:

LaDonna Humphrey, Marketing Manager
Fayetteville, Arkansas

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