Regulatory News:

The liquidity contract entered into on 24 September 2007 between Société Foncière Lyonnaise (Paris:FLY) and Rothschild & Cie Banque was amended on 30 January 2017.

SFL has decided to allocated an additional €700,000 under the contract, with immediate effect.

The other terms and conditions of the contract remain unchanged.

Àbout SFL

Leader on the prime segment of the Parisian tertiary real estate market, Société Foncière Lyonnaise stands out for the quality of its property portfolio, which is valued at €5.5 billion and is concentrated on the Central Business District of Paris (Louvre Saint-Honoré, Edouard VII, Washington Plaza, etc.), and for the quality of its client portfolio, which is composed of prestigious companies in the consulting, media, digital, luxury, finance and insurance sectors.

Stock market: Euronext Paris Compartment A – Euronext Paris ISIN FR0000033409 – Bloomberg: FLY FP – Reuters: FLYP PA

S&P rating: BBB stable outlook