Piervincenzi to Assume Leadership as of February 1, 2014

ROCKVILLE, Md., Jan. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Board of Trustees of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) today announced that Ron Piervincenzi will become the Chief Executive Officer of USP and chair of USP's standards-setting body, the Council of Experts. Piervincenzi will assume these responsibilities February 1, 2014.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140108/DC42659)

"I am excited and honored to lead USP's mission to improve global health," said Piervincenzi. "This is an outstanding organization doing life-changing work around the world, and I look forward to focusing the collective energy, expertise and knowledge of USP's global volunteers and staff on the challenges of the future."

"In Dr. Piervincenzi we have found an outstanding new leader for USP, which has seen unprecedented growth over the past several years," said USP Board of Trustees Chair, Thomas R. Temple, R.Ph., M.S. "I am excited about Dr. Piervincenzi's commitment to the next phase of USP's unique mission to develop and promote cutting edge global standards for pharmaceuticals, food and dietary supplements."

Dr. Piervincenzi was a Partner and leader in McKinsey & Company's Global Pharmaceutical and Medical Products Practice for 12 years where, among other responsibilities, he launched McKinsey's global drug safety, medical and regulatory service line. Dr. Piervincenzi earned his M.S. and Ph.D. from Duke University in Biomedical Engineering with research focused on protein engineering.

Timothy R. Franson, B.S. Pharm., M.D., and President of the Convention added, "We have found an exceptional leader in Ron. His ability to motivate people, craft creative solutions to complex problems and the tremendous reputation and respect from his peers are the reasons why Ron was selected. We are delighted that he has accepted this challenge and are confident that USP is in great hands."

Outgoing CEO Roger L. Williams, M.D., oversaw an unprecedented period of growth for USP. During Dr. Williams' tenure USP transformed from being an important standard setting organization to a recognized leader in global health through the establishment of facilities in Africa, China, India, Brazil and Europe. USP embarked on an ambitious effort to create new modernized standards in USP's compendia and through these efforts improve access to good quality food and drugs. USP is also a key partner with USAID, working to combat the harmful influx of substandard and counterfeit medicines in developing countries around the world and improve lives through enhanced pharmaceutical standards.

"Dr. Williams has had a remarkable tenure. He has transformed this organization in an indelible way and been a driving force in improving public standards and the organization is grateful for his lasting contributions," added Temple.

USP - Global Expertise, Trusted Standards, Improved Health
The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a global health organization that improves lives through public standards and related programs that help ensure the quality, safety, and benefit of medicines and foods. USP's standards are used worldwide. For more information about USP visit http://www.usp.org.

CONTACT: Nils Hagen-Frederiksen

SOURCE U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention