Current Report no. 9/2014

Number and Date of the Current Report:

Current Report no. 9/2014 dated 29 January 2014. Subject of the Current Report:
ROBYG S.A. -Exclusion of Series D Bonds

Legal basis:

Article 56, section 1 of the Act on Public Offerings and on the Terms of Introducing Financial Instruments to Organized Trading Systems and on Public Companies dated 29 July 2005 (Dz. U. of 2005, No. 184, item 1539)

Contents of the Current Report:

The Management Board of ROBYG S.A. with its seat in Warsaw (the "Company") hereby announces that:
a) the Management Board of the Stock Exchange in Warsaw S.A., based on the resolution No. 102/2014 dated 28 January 2014, at the request of the Company decided to exclude on 4 February 2014, the Company's Series D Bonds, marked with ISIN code "PLROBYG00073" ("Series D Bonds") from the alternative trading system on the Catalyst and
b) received from the Department of Issuers and Participants BondSpot No information BPO-ZO-262/14 dated of 28 January 2014 on exclusion of the Company's Series D Bonds of the alternative trading system on the Catalyst.
The exclusion results from the earlier buy-back of Series D Bonds, about which the Company informed via current report no. 82/2013 as of 9 October 2013 and 95/2013 as of 18 December

Signatures of the Management Board:

Zbigniew Okoński - President of the Management Board of ROBYG S.A. Eyal Keltsh - Vice-President of the Management Board of ROBYG S.A.

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