Bob Morrell, Founder and CEO of Riskonnect, the independent provider of enterprise-class risk management technology, will participate in the Chicago RIMS Post Holiday Panel on January 14th, 2014 at Fulton's on the River in downtown Chicago from 3:30 to 8:00 pm. Riskonnect has proven to be a major disruptor in the risk technology market over the past several years with its introduction of game-changing software. David Tweedy, one of the most recognized names in risk management software, will moderate the panel of risk management leaders from broker-owned technology vendors, legacy system vendors, and independent technology providers.

"Dave Tweedy has done an excellent job of leveling the field in the RMIS market and providing a venue for all of the market leaders to discuss issues in our industry. I'm excited to participate in this discussion. The industry has changed, and so have the needs of risk managers. This is a 'must-see' event."

As moderator of the panel, Tweedy is expected to use his 25 years of experience in the field of risk management information systems and his experience in advising clients who have issues with selecting, improving/maximizing the use of their RMIS, to help the audience better understand the various vendors and their many differentiators. Tweedy is a Senior Consultant and Director of RMIS Solutions at Bickmore where he focuses on risk and claims management information systems. Other panel participants include Kathleen M. Burns, President - Aon eSolutions, Chicago, Paul J. Marushka, President & COO - CSStars, Chicago, Cheryl Tuttle, Sr. Mgr. - Offering Sales Software - CSC, Austin, Robert J. Petrie, President & Founder - Origami, Glencoe, and Mark J. Stergio, President - Risk Sciences Group, Atlanta.

About Riskonnect, Inc.

Riskonnect, Inc. is the provider of a premier, enterprise-class technology platform for the risk management industry. As an independent innovator in risk management software, Riskonnect develops and markets a growing suite of software solutions on a world-class cloud computing model, helping clients elevate their risk management programs, safety solutions and programs for management of risks across the enterprise. Through its strategic, operational and insurable risk software applications, Riskonnect provides the risk management industry with the specific, configurable solutions needed to reduce losses, control risk and affect shareholder value. For more information about Riskonnect, contact us at, email or call +1 770-790-4700.

Riskonnect, Inc.
Kelly M. Barton, +1 770-790-4710
Vice President, Operations