Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Greater China Notebook PC Industry, 4Q 2013" report to their offering.

This research report presents shipment volume and value forecast and recent quarter review of the Greater China notebook PC industry. The report includes shipment volume and value, ASP, manufacturer volume ranking, shipment by assembly level, shipment by price point, and product mix analysis. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with notebook PC makers.

The report finds that the Greater China notebook PC industry's shipment volume in the third quarter of 2013 advanced 5.2% sequentially thanks to branded vendors' global deployment of Intel Haswell products and Indian tenders for educational notebook PCs. Affected by smartphones and tablets, shipment volume of the Greater China notebook PC industry is projected to fall 4.4% sequentially in the fourth quarter. Looking ahead to 2014, it is projected that the industry will see a decline in both shipment volume and value in the first quarter of 2014, at around 32.70 million units and US$14.8 billion. As branded vendors and ODM companies need a closer partnership to reduce cost and shorten product's time to market, Quanta and Compal are anticipated to pick up around 50% of the worldwide contract manufacturing orders in 2014.

Companies Mentioned:

- Clevo

- Compal


- Foxconn

- Inventec


- Pegatron

- Quanta

- Wistron

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