Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Global Military Radar Market 2014-2024 - Major Programs: Market Profile" report to their offering.

This report provides information on major programs planned in the global Military Radar market. It provides details on top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.

This report discusses the various programmes conducted by key players in the market, by dividing them into the main types of Military Radar. The report offers detailed information regarding quantity procured, country/companies supplying the equipment, delivery period and total contract value.

Reasons To Buy

  • Understand the major Military Radar programs that are expected in the forecast period.
  • Gain insight into the information regarding the quantity procured for the market, country/ company supplying the equipment and the total contract value.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Introduction

2 Major Military Radar Programs


  • India - Long range tracking radars
  • US - Space Fence Program
  • India - X-Band


  • Germany - SARah - satellite-based radar reconnaissance system
  • Japan/Vietnam - Radar Imaging Satellites
  • Canada - RADARSAT Constellation Mission


  • UK/Germany/Italy/Spain - Captor radar systems
  • US - Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS)


  • US - Air and Missile Defense Radar program
  • Germany - TRS-4D/NR Radar Program

3 Appendix

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