Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "M-POS: Expanding the Payments Value Chain into New Territories" report to their offering.

New Research on POS Architecture of the Future That Will Address Network Requirements, Consumer Technology, and Cloud-Based Architectures

A new research report from Mercator Advisory Group, M-POS: Expanding the Payments Value Chain into New Territories, identifies the new hardware, software architecture that will drive development of the point of sale (POS) over the next decade. The range of factors driving this change includes network regulations demanding new last-inch acceptance devices that will ultimately mitigate security concerns, new technologies in consumer devices that enable new merchandising methods, and new mobile devices that have not just pushed the envelope in lowering device costs but also introduced groundbreaking new features that enable a more productive POS device that operates in a cloud-based architecture.

The benefits of this new hardware and software paradigm will prove as important as the introduction of the computer chip, said Tim Sloane, VP, Payments Innovation, and author of the report. While adoption in larger merchants may take decades due to the complexity of the payments infrastructure, the path to adoption will clarify as network implementations further mitigate security risks. As security risks are addressed merchants, acquirers, and banks will focus their energies on delivering greater value to consumers through the smartphone.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. The Smartphone: The Primary POS Software Design Point

4. Driving the Transition from Payments to Commerce

- Cardholder and Merchant Security

- New Security Features: Tokenization and Biometric Identification

- New Payment Types

- New Customer Engagement Tools

5. The New POS Product Structure

- Selecting a Platform

- Build or Buy: A Software Developer's Dilemma

6. The Impact of Mobile Platforms on Merchant Acquiring

- The Mobile Platform's Impact on Pricing and Business Models

7. The Impact of Mobile Platforms on Merchants

8. Conclusion

Appendix: Reviewing the NIST Definition of Cloud Computing

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