Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Lidl and Kaufland 2015: Ramping up, relentless rise from copycat to innovator" report to their offering.


  • How big is Lidl in each respective country? What is its market share? How big will the retailer become?
  • How high are Lidl's and Kaufland's sales densities? Which are the most successful markets? In which markets is Lidl stronger than Aldi?
  • Where is the discounter furthest ahead in changing customer perceptions - moving its brand image from low cost to quality and freshness?
  • Where is the retailer most innovative with store refreshes? Will we see a convenience fascia stretched over two floors? What are Lidl's plans to propel the outlet forward? What changes is the retailer making in store to drive greater footfall, increase loyalty and frequency?
  • How big are sales uplifts generated by store updates on average?
  • How much do fresh ranges account for in Lidl? How is this different from market to market?
  • What is happening with Lidl's US expansion?
  • How big is Lidl's online operation in Germany? Is this a blueprint for the rollout in the other markets? How does Lidl manage the transition to becoming multichannel?
  • What is the percentage of FMCG A brands of total SKUs in Lidl? Is this different from market to market?
  • What is Schwarz private label strategy? What is the main driving force behind vertical integration at Lidl? Unique private label? Cost benefits? Secure supply?
  • What are the key benefits of Lidl's international sourcing strategy? Where does this fall short? What about Deluxe?
  • How much crossover is there between the two businesses, Kaufland and Lidl? How will this change in future?
  • What are the key differences to Aldi?
  • What innovative promotions, pricing strategies, store formats, expansion strategies and brand extensions will the discounter go for next? How big is Schwarz's pledged investment for 2015?


  • Is Kaufland the future of the hypermarket?
  • How does Kaufland manage the introduction of small scale private label new product developments? Why is shopper insight crucial at Lidl but not to the same extent at Kaufland? What exactly is the concept of Warendruck?
  • How big is Kaufland in each respective country? What is its market share? How big will the retailer become? How many stores will the retailer operate from in Germany? What about the CEE operations?
  • Why can Kaufland generate sales in locations others can't? How can the retailer take over disused Karstadt buildings or beached whales of the competition and make them work?
  • What is the future location for Kaufland, is it the inner city? Will it compete with Lidl?
  • Why has there been a slowdown in Germany at Kaufland in 2014? What is the retailer doing about it?
  • What are the plans for Kaufland?
  • How does Kaufland reduce its input costs? How is the hypermarket leveraging its scale in the supply chain to drive efficiencies through? Is this a model for other markets? Is it a model for Lidl? By how much can the retailer reduce prices by leveraging its scale in the supply chain?
  • What percentage share will Schwarz take of retailing in its respective markets?
  • What does the German example suggest?

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