Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Indian Payment Banks - Detailed Industry Report" report to their offering.

"Indian Payment Banks Report" covers a detailed research on the industry with identification of its major players. The report provides key information and detailed study relating to the industry along with geographic insights. The report examines the industry synopsis, the M Wallet Industry, Regulations and Restrictions, geographic insights.


- Provides detailed information on the Industry and a list of Payment Banks

- Provides industry analysis on the emerging M Wallet industry

- Detailed insight on the banking industry across the globe

- SWOT Analysis

- Government Initiatives taken for the development of the industry

- Benefits and Challenges faced by the Industry

- Future Prospects of the Payment Banks Industry in India

Reasons to Purchase:

- Understand the rapidly growing Industry

- Adjust your marketing strategies based on changing market conditions

- Show your clients the present state of the market with detailed bar charts

- Obtain up to date industry information

Key Topics Covered:

1. Payment Banks: Overview

2. Payment Banks: Introduction

- List of 11 Payment banks

3. Payment Banks: Boon to Telecom Sector

4. Payment Banks: M Wallet Industry

5. Payment Banks: Benefits and Challenges

6. Payment Banks: Regulations and Restrictions

7. Payment Banks: License Criteria

8. Payment Banks: Global Scenario (Kenya)

9. Payment Banks: Global Scenario (Key Recommendations)

10. Payment Banks: M Wallet Growth Forecast

11. Payment Banks: Market Growth

12. Payment Banks: M Wallet

13. Payment Banks: Potential Market of M Wallet

14. Payment Banks: SWOT Analysis

15. Payment Banks: Future Outlook

16. Payment Banks: Summary

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