Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "International Health Insurance for Expatriates and Students: A Worldwide Review" report to their offering.

International Health Insurance for Expatriates and Students: A Worldwide Review is a report and market data file about the global market for health insurance and related cover sold to expatriate and student customers, which is estimated by Finaccord to have been worth almost USD 13 billion in terms of total gross written premiums and around USD 2.78 billion in terms of new business in 2015.

Using its proprietary International Health Insurance Market Data Model, Finaccord reports on the size and segmentation of this market:

  • by region and major country of origin with data available separately for Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, Australasia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America as regions of origin, and for Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, the UK and the US as major countries of origin;
  • by destination region with data available separately for Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, Australasia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America;
  • by type of customer with a breakdown between individual workers, corporate / other transferees (including diplomats and employees of charities and NGOs), students, retired individuals and other customers (defined as non-employed spouses and children).

Moreover, the market is quantified in terms of total and new business not only in 2015 but also for 2011 and forecast to 2019, thereby illustrating growth trends by region and major country of origin, destination region and customer type.

In addition, data is provided for the same years and segments for the number of international health insurance policies sold and for the total number of eligible consumers (i.e. including expatriates and students who have not taken out this type of insurance).

Report Structure:

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Global Overview

3. Africa

4. Asia-Pacific Region

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