"The end will be when we reach an agreement both on fair and free competition and second reciprocal access to water and the markets."

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier commenting Monday (December 14) morning in Brussels.

That after a weekend decision to extend talks beyond the Sunday (December 13) deadline.

The same sticking points remain, including fishing rights and how to ensure a level playing field for competition.

But markets rose on the move to keep talking.

Sterling was up over one percent against the dollar in early trades Monday.

European benchmark indexes all rose too, with Germany's Dax and France's Cac 40 both up around 0.8 percent.

Gains for London's FTSE index were more limited though, capped by a six percent slide for AstraZeneca.

Investors pricing in weekend news of its 39 billion dollar move for U.S. drugmaker Alexion.

Broader sentiment remains vulnerable to news on Brexit, and it remains unclear when or whether a deal might be done.

Diplomatic sources said Monday the two sides had actually moved further apart on fishing rights.