WARSAW, Jan 16 (Reuters) - Polish truckers who have blockaded some border crossings with Ukraine since November have reached an agreement on "certain conditions" with the government and will suspend their protest on Wednesday at 1100 GMT, an organiser said.

Polish drivers had been demanding that the EU reinstate a system whereby Ukrainian companies need permits to operate in the bloc and the same for European truckers entering Ukraine.

"It won't be the end but there will be a suspension of the protest," said Tomasz Borkowski of the Committee to Protect Transporters and Transport Employers. "We agreed certain conditions, we will give the government time to work as it is a new government."

Poland's infrastructure ministry has organised a press conference for 1100 GMT on Tuesday during which an agreement is due to be signed.



decided to suspend a protest at the border crossing with Ukraine at Medyka after the government agreed to their demands earlier this month.

However, truckers had been blocking three other crossings. (Reporting by Alan Charlish and Karol Badohal; Editing by Nick Macfie)