LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 17, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The professionals at Pain Care Associates of Little Rock, Arkansas are bringing an innovative non-surgical option for treating herniated disks to area clients. The DRS Protocol™ is an effective non-invasive option for treating herniated discs and a range of other conditions including bulging discs, soft tissue spinal stenosis, disc deformities, degenerative disc disease, spondylosis sciatica, and facet arthropathy. Chronic back and spinal issues can inhibit comfort and make routine activities in daily life painful and challenging. The DRS Protocol offers a road to health, wellness and freedom from pain without surgery, even for those who have had back surgery in the past. This treatment is noninvasive, safe, and often works for those who have exhausted all other options.

Herniated disc(s), degenerative disc disease along with lower back pain, neck pain, tingling or numbness in the arms and legs and related issues can make life unpleasant and painful. Pain Care Associates of Little Rock uses a whole-patient approach to determine the best course of treatment and customize a plan that’s free of surgical measures or habit-forming medications.

The DRS Protocol utilizes advanced medical devices like spinal decompression and complementary therapies for a comprehensive effect. Each case is treated as unique, with a customized plan to address each client’s individual needs. People who endure ongoing back or neck pain and/or tingling or numbness in the extremities are sometimes told that they will have to just live with the pain for the rest of their lives. Pain Care Associates and the DRS Protocol offer hope for those who have tried everything else.

Dr. Dwight Stewart shares, “Those who have suffered with back or neck pain for months or even years have no reason to be apprehensive about this treatment. We offer a successful non-invasive surgical alternative that is much safer and gentler than other herniated disc treatments, even if the patient has already tried surgery.” Dr. Stewart continues, “Resignation to a life of chronic pain is not necessary when such an effective non-surgical treatment is available. Our mission at Pain Care Associates is to inform those who have suffered from chronic back or neck issues about these non-invasive methods. Lasting pain relief is possible without surgery with the DRS Protocol.”

The DRS Protocol works by gently reducing pressure inside herniated discs. The result is increased blood flow and a reduction of pain and the effects of degenerative conditions. Tissue repair in the area as well as mobility naturally return. Results can be life-changing.

Pain Care Associates is located at 8801 West Markham Street in Little Rock, Arkansas. More information about the DRS Protocol and their entire suite of services is available by calling (501) 223-3314 or visiting

Pain Care Associates, (501) 223-3314