Greetings from PCS Edventures! (PCSV)

Happy New Year! I'm writing to provide all of our shareholders and friends with an overview of upcoming news events this month. We're excited about finishing up Q3 for fiscal year 2013 and are now aggressively tackling Q4 to keep the momentum growing. Here's our planned shareholder news and update schedule for January, this doesn't include Press Releases that may be released around orders or other significant events we'd like to share with the world:

  • Friday, January 11. MoneyTV interview addressing strategic planning for FY2014 and highlighting important accomplishments in FY2013 to date.
  • Week of January 14. An update on several international initiatives.
  • Week of January 21. An update on our Learning Center initiative.
  • Week of January 28. An update on the robotics and the afterschool domestic market and National Engineers Week promotions and activities.

I'll continue to keep our updates brief, but impart information on a regular basis to keep everyone informed about PCSV and our progress.

Have a great weekend and again, on behalf of all of us at PCSV, happy new year.

Best wishes,

Robert Grover

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