OpsCruise, the cloud application observability company, announced contextual tracing support (CTS) in OpsCruise platform. CTS leverages existing CNCF tracing tools, such as Jaeger, OpenTelemetry, and others, to complement OpsCruise’s eBPF based flow analytics application graph without distributed tracing.

While distributed tracing is a powerful tool for in-depth application performance monitoring, analyzing high volumes of trace data to find the relevant traces is very challenging because it is time consuming, labor intensive, and requires resources with a complex skill set, slowing down the MTTR.

OpsCruise resolves the challenge and makes distributed tracing usable in real-time by providing a Trace-Service Graph. The Trace-Service Graph captures the execution path of each trace and aggregates them into trace path signatures thus providing engineers a real-time view of each trace path’s performance. In addition, it extends OpsCruise’s ML-based behavior model used for microservices to predictively detect problems in the trace path. It also complements OpsCruise’s currently available flow analytics application graph that is generated without distributed tracing using only eBPF. CTS provides click-through from the trace-service graph to actual traces. Trace Ids are added to Logs so they can also be used to retrieve contextually relevant traces in problem contexts.

“OpsCruise is providing a novel way to combine the power of eBPF and distributed tracing in an enterprise class platform,” said Gorkey Vemulapalli, Engineering Director at City of Hope. “Engineers will be able to get key response time & latency information at the URL level without any dependency on developers and then be able to seamlessly drill-down to the transaction level with very little overhead.”

“This is a perfect example of how OpsCruise takes traditionally siloed telemetry - in this case eBPF networking data, distributed traces and K8s/container object metadata - and combines it in a powerful, declarative approach to automate troubleshooting of cloud native application issues,” said Scott Fulton, Co-Founder & CEO of OpsCruise. “Further, the long-term storage of your raw traces remain in your infrastructure at a fraction of the cost a typical SaaS monitoring vendor would charge you.”

CTS and its related extensions are available now as part of the standard OpsCruise subscription. OpsCruise supports OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, OpenZipkin, and any other OpenTelemetry Compliant tracing library, with additional libraries coming over Time. Sign up for OpsCruise’s Free Forever version to get started at www.opscruise.com/freeforever.

About OpsCruise

Founded in 2018 in Sunnyvale, California, OpsCruise is a cloud applications performance assurance company, offering the only observability platform purpose-built for Kubernetes applications and serverless infrastructure. A deep understanding of Kubernetes coupled with its unique contextual AI and ML-based behavior profiling empowers teams to predict performance degradations and instantly surface their cause. In 2021, OpsCruise launched out of stealth with Seed funding to address the $17 billion cloud observability market. Learn more at www.opscruise.com.