Leading state business organizations today launched “Opportunity Washington: Priorities for Shared Prosperity,” a roadmap for spreading opportunity and shared prosperity to individuals, families, employers, and communities across Washington state.

Opportunity Washington is based on state and national research and shaped by community input. It was created by the Washington Alliance for a Competitive Economy (WashACE) and is backed by a statewide coalition that believes the continued health of Washington’s economy and the shared prosperity of its citizens depend on smart public policy and strategic investments. It is organized around three guiding priorities:

  • ACHIEVE: Provide a high-caliber education and workforce development system geared to the demands of the 21st century.
  • CONNECT: Create an efficient, multimodal transportation system that links Washington’s communities to each other and the world.
  • EMPLOY: Pursue policies that encourage innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation.

Brad Tilden, CEO of Alaska Air Group and chair of the Washington Roundtable, headlined a launch event at the Red Lion Hotel in Olympia today, noting that “the sense of urgency we all share about our state’s future is tangible and real.”

“Opportunity Washington is a forward-looking plan that focuses on the fundamentals of building a better state for every Washingtonian. It is a broad-based, comprehensive effort to improve our schools, our infrastructure, and the business climate of our state,” said Tilden.

“Washington has a legacy of innovation and success. But we cannot let past successes lull us into a false sense of security,” said Steve Mullin, president of the Washington Roundtable. “Opportunity Washington provides a long-term policy framework that builds on Washington’s strengths, addresses areas of improvement, and pursues shared prosperity for the entire state.”

“Employers and community leaders came together to develop the Opportunity Washington plan,” said Kris Johnson, president of the Association of Washington Business. “Opportunity Washington serves as a rallying point for all of us — legislators included — to position Washington state for long-term success.”

“Opportunity Washington represents an exciting vision for moving the state forward,” said Mike Schwenk, chair of the AWB board. “It’s clear that we need a common commitment to address the challenges facing our state. Everyone in Washington is a stakeholder in this effort.”

The full Opportunity Washington plan is available for download at www.opportunitywa.org. The web site also features daily blogging, ongoing policy analysis, and opportunities to sign up for email newsletters and action alerts. Visitors can also follow Opportunity Washington on Twitter (@opportunitywa) and Facebook (@opportunitywa).

About Opportunity Washington

Opportunity Washington: Priorities for Shared Prosperity is a roadmap for expanding Washington’s culture of opportunity to individuals, families, employers, and communities in every corner of the state. It was created by the Washington Alliance for a Competitive Economy (WashACE) and is backed by a statewide coalition that believes the continued health of Washington’s economy and the shared prosperity of its citizens depend on smart public policy and strategic investments. For more information about Opportunity Washington, visit www.opportunitywa.org.