Agriculture Minister Michelle O'Neill has expressed concern following the release of statistics showing a decrease in agricultural income in 2014.
Thursday, 29 January 2015

Provisional estimates for Farm Incomes in 2014 are included in a Statistical Press Release (NI agricultural incomes in 2014), which indicates that Total Income from Farming' (TIFF) in the north of Ireland decreased by 16% (17% in real terms) from £336 million in 2013 to £283 million in 2014.

Commenting on the statistics, Minister O'Neill said: "Farmers have had a very tough time over the past year. The total income from farming figure has significantly reduced and the farm level estimates show that all sectors have been affected.

"Falling prices have been the major contributor to this downturn. Fluctuating markets is not a new problem, but it remains a very difficult issue for farmers to address. For me, it is one of the reasons why direct CAP payments are so important to the agricultural industry, as these funds provide a buffer against the effect of market volatility. I fought hard to maintain the system of direct payments in the recent reform of CAP and will continue to do so going forward. The figures show that the Single Farm Payment accounted for 87% of total income in 2014."

The Minister added: "However, we cannot simply rely on direct CAP payments to get us through difficult times. We need to continue to work to improve efficiency and competitiveness and help build resilience.

"This is why it is so important that we get the best out of the 'Going for Growth' initiative and the new 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme. I am determined that we use these mechanisms to build a stronger industry that can face the future with confidence."

The Minister concluded: "There has been a recovery in beef prices of late and there are early signs that global dairy prices are perhaps beginning to improve at last, which is encouraging. Nevertheless, I intend keeping pressure on the Commission to respond more positively to the financial problems facing farmers."

Notes to editors:
  1. The provisional 2014 agricultural income figures were issued today by DARD Statistical Press Release, Number 021/15.
  2. DARD Statistics are available on the DARD website or via Twitter.
  3. All media queries should be directed to the DARD Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or email: DARD Press Office. Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07699 715 440 and your call will be returned.
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