Nordis Direct Inc. has changed its company name to Nordis Technologies Inc. The new name reflects its position as a full-service technology leader in customer communications management and payments, serving some of the largest companies in healthcare, hospitality and financial services for more than 25 years.

As part of this rebranding, the company also unveiled a new logo and launched a new website at showcasing the company’s innovative technology-enabled print-mail, e-mail and payments solutions.

“Nordis Technologies better captures our role in solving complex communications and payment challenges with pace-setting technology,” said Ronnie Selinger, president, CEO and founder.

“We saw a pressing need to improve how organizations create and deliver personalized customer communications, including letters, bills, confirmations and statements. Our patent-pending, cloud-based Expresso application reinvents the process, giving companies complete control over their print and digital communications. Documents that used to take weeks or months to develop or modify now take minutes or hours,” said Selinger.

Fazie Harney, Vice President of Applications for Healthcare Financial Services at physician staffing firm TeamHealth, a client since 2001, said, “Expresso gives us complete access for managing the templates, content and business rules that drive the onboarding and change management process for our hospital clients. By streamlining the workflow, we have more insight into our communication touchpoints, manage our operations more efficiently and can rapidly respond to the unique and changing requirements of our clients.”

Expresso Product Suite

Nordis’ family of integrated, cloud-based technology solutions, including ExpressoPay, ExpressoArchive and ExpressoVote, works seamlessly together.

ExpressoPay is a secure software solution that enables clients to offer branded online portals for consumers to view bills and make payments. The ExpressoArchive application allows companies to easily access historical customer documents in the cloud. ExpressoVote enables hospitality and property management companies to manage the entire election cycle and related communications for vacation ownership properties, including paper and electronic voting, tabulation and certification for homeowner associations.

End-to-End Solution

The company’s industry-leading lettershop services complement its Expresso solutions, enabling clients to streamline their operations with a single vendor for communications management, production and distribution of high-volume personalized printed and digital materials. Nordis provides a full range of options including print on demand, full-color and black-and-white digital printing and data processing from its fully redundant, state-of-the-art production facilities in Coral Springs, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada.

About Nordis Technologies

Nordis Technologies is a leader and innovator in providing technology solutions to solve customer communications management and payment challenges. With Nordis’ patent-pending, cloud-based Expresso application and product suite, businesses can quickly and efficiently create and manage critical print and digital communications and payments. Nordis delivers an end-to-end solution, with state-of-the-art lettershop and direct mail services to produce and deliver documents. Privately held Nordis Technologies is based in Coral Springs, Florida. For more information, visit