L to R - Todd Osbourne (Councillor), Lorraine Gerwing (Councillor), Cathy Dolan (Director of NRSS), Laurie Dolan (Councillor), Carol Seidel (President of NRSS), Cam Foss (Nexen) & Michelle Chabot (Nexen).

January 12, 2015

At a special ribbon cutting ceremony held on Saturday, January 10, in Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Nexen and joint venture partner INPEX Gas British Columbia Ltd. (IGBC) announced a $65,000 donation for a new community bus for the Northern Rockies Senior Society.

The Northern Rockies Senior Society is a non-profit charitable organization that is dedicated to enriching the lives of seniors in the Fort Nelson community by providing transportation, social and recreational opportunities and facilitating the building of a Supported Living Seniors Society.

According to Nexen's Cam Foss, Manager Operations NEBC, Shale Gas, community investment is more than just financial support for charitable organizations. "Nexen is proud to support this vital community service. This bus is just one example of Nexen's commitment to the communities where we live and work. Since 2010, our ReachOut community investment program has helped strengthen the communities where we live and work through Giving, Matching and Helping, including 35,000 volunteer hours to communities where we operate."

Both Nexen and IGBC have been actively involved in the Fort Nelson community. In addition to donating towards the purchase of the new seniors' bus, the companies also donated $100,000 over three years to the Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society in 2013.

As signature sponsors, the gift of a new bus will provide transportation that will benefit the entire community.

"The bus is a lifeline to many of our seniors; it enables them to retain their independence and dignity," says Carol Seidel, Northern Rockies Senior Society. "It gives our seniors the freedom to come and go as they please. They are able to attend community and social events which are very important to the well-being of our seniors. We would like to thank Nexen and IGBC for helping to make this all possible."

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