STORY: :: In his first speech at Downing Street, new Prime Minister Keir Starmer says Britain must rediscover its identity

:: July 5, 2024

:: London, England

Greeted in Downing Street by a large crowd of cheering aides and supporters after formally accepting the King's invitation to become prime minister, Starmer's first address made the case for a moderate politics to repair voters' broken trust.

"It is surely clear to everyone that our country needs a bigger reset, a rediscovery of who we are, because no matter how fierce the storms of history, one of the greatest strengths of this nation has always been our ability to navigate a way to calmer waters," he said.

"This depends upon politicians, particularly those who stand for stability and moderation, as I do."

He added: "My government will fight every day until you believe again. From now on, you have a government unburdened by doctrine, guided only by the determination to serve your interest. To defy those quietly those who have written our country off."