Voluntary life insurance remains the most frequently offered voluntary product by carriers in the U.S. According to Eastbridge’s 2016 U.S. Voluntary/Worksite Sales Survey, term life in particular accounted for almost 22 percent of all new sales in 2015, the largest percentage for any voluntary product offered. Additionally, reported sales for voluntary term life have doubled since 2008.

The Voluntary Term Life Products Spotlight™ Report is designed to help carriers better understand the competitive landscape around term life plans sold at the worksite. The report provides data from 22 carriers active in the market and covers the following topics:

  • Product features and benefits (product type and platform, minimum/maximum face amounts, available riders, etc.)
  • Underwriting guidelines/eligibility parameters
  • Commissions
  • Pricing
  • Challenges and future trends

With this data, carriers can evaluate their own voluntary term products and strategies to determine if changes are needed to make their offering more competitive.

The report is currently available for purchase for $3,000. For more information or to order, call today at (860) 676-9633 or email Eastbridge at info@eastbridge.com.

Eastbridge Consulting Group, Inc. is a marketing advisory firm serving insurance and financial services organizations in the United States and Canada.