Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Natural Gas Storage Technologies-Oil and Gas Alert" report to their offering.

With the growing need for clean fuel alternatives for vehicles, and power plant industries; natural gas is evolving as the best possible alternative and cleaner fuel option for both the industry sectors. Though large scale adoption of natural gas has not yet occurred due to its unavailability in a majority of the market places having power plants built up and challenges in terms of infrastructure and storability of natural gas to retrofit current vehicular system without bringing major modifications. This issue of the Oil and Gas Alert profiles natural gas storage technology advances that have potential to increase the natural gas usage share in the world total energy mix.

The Oil and Gas Alert provides intelligence on innovations pertaining to technologies, products and processes, along with strategic insights, in the upstream and downstream processes in the oil and gas industry.

The Materials and Coatings cluster tracks research & innovation trends and developments across specialty chemicals, plastics, polymers, chemicals, bio-chemicals, metals, coatings, thin films, surface treatments, composites, alloys, oil and gas, fuel additives, fibers and several other related technologies and its impact and application across industries.

The Sustainable Energy cluster provides global insights and intelligence on a wide variety of disruptive emerging technologies and platforms ranging from energy storage, advanced batteries, solar and wind energy, to unconventional oil, bio-energy, geothermal energy, and energy transmission.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Natural Gas Storage Technologies
  2. Underground Salt Cavern Storage for Liquefied Natural Gas
  3. Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility to Secure Gas Supply for Nova Scotia
  4. Non-pressurized Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage Tank
  5. Vehicular Natural Gas Storage System Enabling Thermal Management
  6. Next-generation Natural Gas Storage and Delivery Systems for Vehicles
  7. Cryogenic Storage Tank for Supplying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
  8. Underground Gas Storage System to Store Synthetic Natural Gas
  9. Low-Pressure Adsorbed Natural Gas (ANG) Storage Technology

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